Velkommen til to udvekslingsstuderende

27. september 2018

På GG arbejder vi, som en del af vores strategi, på at styrke den enkelte elevs interkulturelle kompetencer. Vi mener, det er vigtigt, at eleverne har en forståelse for og indsigt i andre kulturer, så de kan agere og tage ansvar i en globaliseret verden. Det gør vi gennem rejser og udveksling med andre skoler, både i Danmark og i udlandet. I dette skoleår har vi to udvekslingsstuderende på GG – Lucie fra Frankrig Anna fra Ungarn.
Vi bad Lucie og Anna præsentere sig selv og fortælle lidt om, hvorfor de valgte GG (Danmark), og hvordan vores skolesystem adskiller sig fra skolesystemet i deres hjemlande.

“Hi! My name is Lucie, I am 17 and come from Grenoble, France. I have been attending GG for four weeks now and am really enjoying it. The school days are shorter and there is less homework compared to my country. Also, the relationship between students and teachers is warmer, I like that. It is a little weird for me to work on a computer because we only study with books and pens back home. These differences in the school-system are one of the reasons why I chose to come to Denmark: I feel that students’ mental health, well-being, and opinion are taken more into account and that the Danish school system is eager to try new methods and lighten the amount of hard work, in order to make learning more efficient and less of a pain. What I also like about Denmark is the way people are involved in the environment and how open-minded they are. I can’t wait to speak more Danish and learn more about this country and culture!”

Hi! My name is Anna Kriston and I am from Hungary. I am 16 years old and I am here as an exchange student for one year. I chose Denmark because everybody told me (who was here before) that Denmark is a great country, everybody is happy here and I liked it. I go to this school because my host family hosted some students before me and they went to this school and said it is a really good school. The school is different than in my home country. For example we have 45 minute long lessons and don’t use laptops at all. I have been here for a month now and really like the country (it is really cold for me), but I do think everything is a bit expensive here. The people I’ve met are very kind. So in total I almost like everything here and I am so happy to be here.

Vi er sikre på, at alle – såvel elever som lærere – vil gøre deres bedste for, at Lucie og Anna får et lærerigt, sjovt og udviklende år på GG. Samtidig vil elevernes møde med Lucie og Anna betyde en større forståelse for og viden om verden. Det giver interkulturelle kompetencer.
Velkommen til Lucie og Anna.